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Archives: Opinion

How to keep your non-profit organization thriving in volatile times

Not-for-profit CEO Manuela Whitford says corporate partnerships are key for financial health while a great culture for volunteers and staff helps retain staff.

Manuela Whitford

The benefits of investing in a war-torn country like Ukraine

Most companies would prefer to keep their distance from a war zone, but there is a strong argument for investing in a country like Ukraine – and it benefits both the business and the country.

Yusif Jabbarov

How to find peace and fulfillment at work

It’s time to move toward wild new ways of working, where exhaustion and overwhelm are no longer the norm and leaders can perform at pace but in peace.

Gemma Munro

Caring leadership strategies for challenging times

Amid a mental health, tech and loneliness epidemic, caring leadership is key. Find out how to make the workplace work again by following some important ground rules.

Sharon Darmody

How to keep your non-profit organization thriving in volatile times

Manuela Whitford

The benefits of investing in a war-torn country like Ukraine

Yusif Jabbarov

How to find peace and fulfillment at work

Gemma Munro

Caring leadership strategies for challenging times

Sharon Darmody