A long weekend of excitement awaits Monte Carlo with the opening of the 77th Monaco Grand Prix today.
The race will play out against a glamorous backdrop of superyachts berthed in the azure waters of the city’s famous Port Hercule, but what really keeps true fans coming back is the challenging nature of the circuit.
Narrow and twisted, it makes overtaking a dangerous affair. Breath will be collectively held at the iconic Fairmont Hairpin turn, which is so tight that drivers will be forced to go down to 48km/h, often encouraging spectacular overtaking manoeuvres – and thus accidents – to happen.
Here’s how one of the most prestigious sport events in the world adds up.

260.286km The total race distance covered in 78 laps of the 3.337km circuit.
290km/h The top speed drivers reach in the tunnel section. At other events, top speeds can reach over 320km/h. Because the Monaco circuit is so challenging, it is the slowest of the Grand Prix competition, with speeds averaging just 160km/h.
€3800 The price of a two-day ticket aboard a yacht for a view of the action from the water.
110 million The number of people who watched the 2018 Monaco Grand Prix, making it the most-watched race of the competition.
50 The number of engineers needed to create the circuit in six weeks.
€1900 The price of one bottle of Carbon champagne. Every win will be celebrated with the popping one of these.
Find out what else makes Monaco tick in A State of Wealth.