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Ghislaine Duymelings

Photo of Ghislaine Duymelings - MD of Manutan

Autonomy and awareness are at the core of what Manutan does. As managing director of Manutan, formerly the well-known Overtoom International, Ghislaine Duymelings has transformed the company, its approach, and its vision to revitalise Manutan’s role and responsibility within society.

The CEO Magazine sat down with Ghislaine to discuss Manutan’s unique approach to business and how it’s changing the way companies act and operate.

“First of all, we’ve been part of the Manutan Group for almost 20 years so it’s not a recent takeover from Manutan that prompted us to change the name. Rather, it’s our new vision that drove us to change the name. We want to drive home to the customers that we are one European group, all with the same name and vision. Our new vision is ‘enterprising for a better world’. We want to go further and better than other companies.

We believe that our vision for enterprising for a better world has an effect on customers, employees, and society. When we look at our employees, we really want—and we’re working very hard—to make our people much more responsible and to give them more autonomy. We offer more than just a salary, we take care of our strong social environment. To make them aware of their self-responsibility, we put in place a lot of different tools.”

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