Family-run company J.W. Ostendorf continues to grow and diversify as Jan Ostendorf steps into the role of Director of Technology and Product Management.
Jukka Leinonen shares how DNA Ltd is diversifying its offerings and services across a range of sectors to ensure it remains at the forefront of…
Ole Rosgaard reflects on Icopal Group’s 160-year history, and shares how it is still setting the benchmark in the delivery of high-end roofing products.
Hans Joergensen explains how AHT Cooling Systems has been innovating and transforming the industrial cooling and freezing space for over three decades.
President of Ata Gears Antti Kontiainen believes that the company is able to provide consistent high quality due to its focus on one key product.
Petri Paavolainen discusses Dinolift’s expansion into a company that offers products in the aerial-work platforms space to more than 40 countries.
With multinational brands and e-commerce challenging the way we shop, Luis Amaral explains that Eurocash is empowering smaller brands to succeed.
Frederique Constant began as an entrepreneurial venture for CEO Peter Stas, and has grown into a reputable luxury watch-manufacturing company.
Luigi Moretti explains that Benelli Armi is diversifying its production line in a bid to mitigate challenging figures in European sales.
Guided by CEO Peter Svarrer, Falck Safety Services develops and delivers safety services to industries and companies across the globe.
Dr István Blazsek reflects on Nitrogénmüvek Vegyipari Zrt’s more than 80-year history, and its current position leading the market.
CEO Monica Lingegård discusses Samhall’s role in finding meaningful work and careers for people with disabilities across Sweden.