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Colin Panagakis

Colin Panagakis interview image

Meetings can often be the bane of a business executive’s existence, involving a painstaking process of arranging a suitable timeslot, disseminating the required reading materials, printing said documents, and then arriving at the meeting, only to have to share the printouts with a colleague because they forgot to bring theirs. Having hundreds of meetings each year also means there is a huge build-up of paper waste that has to eventually be shredded for confidentiality reasons. So what’s the solution to make the madness much more manageable? That’s where BoardPad comes in.

Created by the UK’s Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA), BoardPad is a digital application which streamlines the process of meetings, making them as easy and as stress-free as possible.

It’s safe, secure, and it’s already been adopted by thousands of businesses around the world.

The technology was launched into the Australian market in 2010, and in just six years it has grown from having a user base of zero to almost 5,000 people. Colin Panagakis heads up the region as the Director of Asia–Pacific, and says he is excited to see BoardPad helping so many organisations get the most out of their meetings.

“We are globally the world’s leading good governance solution, and the idea behind the product is very simple,” Colin explains. “By using the app, all board members can have secure access to their papers to read before, during, and after meetings, whether they are online or not. The data is highly protected and it’s very easy to make notes; highlight sections; and drag, drop, or publish the documents in the system.


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