When it comes to the RNT Enterprises way of doing business with its clients, President and General Manager Teodora Macadangdang is tight-lipped. “It’s a secret,” she tells The CEO Magazine mischievously.

One element of the company’s approach that she is willing to share, however, is that it involves her making sure she’s not just sitting in her office and instead getting out there and seeing her clients, no matter how busy she is. “I see to it that at least once or twice a year, I visit them personally.”
Whatever else the strategy involves, it appears to work. The company has massively evolved and expanded since Teodora first founded it in 1990, focusing on the distribution of animal health and nutrition products and over-the-counter sales of chemicals for crop protection.
Now, it imports and distributes a wide range of nutritional and medicated feed additives essential to the growth and better performance of livestock, poultry, aqua and game fowls, such as vitamins, minerals and eubiotic products. It is also moving into organic treatment products that make water fit for consumption minus any side effects. Over time, RNT has built up partnerships with prestigious names in the field including DSM/Roche, Phibro, Tesgo, Berg + Schmidt, Trouw, Inroads and Bios AgriCorp.
Teodora graduated from university with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture majoring in Animal Science before going on to work with a number of companies in the animal care field. “I was working at a multinational company engaged in the animal health and nutrition business when I decided to set up RNT,” she shares. “So, I was more or less familiar with the business and with the product. I had been single-handedly overseeing the company’s growth, so the mastery of the business was already there.”

In the near future, we will expand our focus and we intend to also engage in human nutrition care.
In building RNT, Teodora combined this expertise with her solid determination to excel, which she describes as her “main principle” in life. “Aim to excel in anything that you do,” she advises. “Even in simple tasks, you have to aim to excel, because you should apply that concept even in your own home, in your own family. And then eventually, ultimately, you can transfer it to your business too.”
It’s an attitude that has helped her drive the business to the next level. “I am very passionate about what I’m doing,” she adds.
The next six to 12 months will see the company transfer to a larger office, giving key people within the organisation more space. The current office building is rather “cosy”, Teodora admits. “But I’m proud of my office no matter how small it is, because it’s actually not about the office, it’s about performance and it’s about concern for others. That’s what matters most.”
RNT is also readying itself for a major expansion, which will see it diversify into new areas. “In the near future, we will expand our focus and we intend to also engage in human nutrition care,” she reveals. While the company already has certain products in mind, the pandemic has prevented them from moving forward with these plans. “That’s why we haven’t done it yet, but as soon as we emerge from the pandemic, then we can do a lot of things.”
That hasn’t been the only effect of the pandemic. The company has had to undergo a digital transformation. “As there are very limited face-to-face meetings with our clients now, we are mostly relying on technology to do our distribution, promotion, advertising and everything our business requires us to do,” Teodora says. “I really hope the pandemic will come to an end, but we have easily adapted to the situation.”
The company is working to further enhance its digital capabilities so that virtual meetings continue to play an important part in its success.

As long as you deliver what is required of you, that’s fine with me.
This ability to quickly adjust to changes in the landscape is an important contributor to RNT’s success, according to Teodora. “Our company has a very lean organisational structure and, because of that, the decision-making process is very fast,” she explains. “That is what sets us apart from our competitors. We easily respond and adapt to changes and to the needs of our clients. We are very sensitive – time-sensitive – to the needs and the conditions surrounding our clients.”
This sensitivity to the needs of others, which is a major pillar of Teodora’s faith, has been critical to her success, and she urges other leaders to ensure it’s a priority. “Always be sensitive to what your people need, be sensitive to your suppliers, be sensitive to your clients, of course, and to everyone,” she shares. “You will conduct your business in a most proper way if you have concern for other people. You do not do business just to gain, but most importantly, so you can help other people.”
Teodora describes herself as a “result-oriented” person. “I don’t care whether you work for two or three days in a week or for short hours. As long as you deliver what is required of you, that’s fine with me,” she says. It’s an approach that seems to work. She herself has created time in her day to devote to another business venture, a garment manufacturing company she recently acquired. “This is really a dream come true for me.”
If she applies the same secret sauce to her new venture as she has to RNT, it is likely to go far. With an inspiring mix of determination and purpose, Teodora seems to have the magic touch.
Sponsored by: Bios AgriCorp
Bios AgriCorp has a clear mission to reduce the usage of poisonous and harmful chemicals, fight climate change, and address the food and feed industry’s current and future needs. Its solutions help partners to stay ahead and provide a better choice to the consumers.
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