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Simon Trevisan

Simon Trevisan article image

Although currently focused on property development via the Group’s wholly-owned subsidiary, TRG Properties, the Transcontinental Group has founded and managed more than 20 public companies listed on major stock exchanges around the world in a variety of fields. Managing Director Simon Trevisan explains: “The Transcontinental Group was originally established by my father, Tony Trevisan, as a property group with interests in developing shopping centres, commercial buildings, and industrial land nationally, but very early on it expanded into natural resources and other areas—a combination of venture capital and private equity investments to complement the property business. We continue to have substantial investments in these diverse businesses to this day.”

The more entrepreneurial side of the business pursues investments in a wide variety of fields. “Outside of real estate, we are currently involved with a medical devices company, which has developed a neuro-feedback device for use in the home to help manage autism. It is being sold in the European Union, and is in the process of being approved in some of the leading Asian jurisdictions and elsewhere globally. We are hoping to get approval soon to bring it to Australia.

“Another project—although in the early stages—is a partnership with the largest European operator of solar electricity plants. We are not talking rooftop solar here—this is a utility-scale solar plant. We are working to develop a solar plant in Perth with peaking capacity, which will be the largest in Australia.

We have also been involved in the oil and gas industry for a long time. Recently, we were granted an offshore permit in Myanmar as part of the latest licensing round. Successful bidders included Woodside, Shell, BG Group, Chevron, and ConocoPhillips, so we are in good company. It’s a long-term project, and if it goes well, will significantly help with the development of Myanmar, which is terribly underdeveloped at present.”

As managing director, the development business conducted by the Group’s property arm, TRG Properties, is always at the front of Simon’s mind. The Group cut its teeth in real estate as owner and manager of the head franchise of Perth’s best-known real estate group, the Roy Weston Group, which at that time was averaging property sales of well over $1 billion per annum.

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