Physical and cybercrime is a burden Africa has had to bear for decades. XON Systems CEO Carel Coetzee plans to change that.
Executive Interviews Region: EMEA
The GHD Group’s CEO Andreas Rudolph explains why a business must diversify its product portfolio to excel.
Rising to CEO of Immobel by the age of 34, Alexander Hodac insists there is no secret formula – just hard work and surrounding yourself…
Sipchem CEO Ahmad Al-Ohali ensures the success of his petrochemical company overflows into the community.
As the digital revolution sweeps the globe, DXC Technology is leading the change in providing innovative and customer-centric IT transformations.
Three generations of Keelings have turned a family fruit farm into Ireland’s largest horticultural business. Now Caroline Keeling is making her mark.
At Umoe Restaurants, Sverre Helno is bringing Scandinavian leadership style to iconic American establishments.
Since opening up to the global market in 2009 and taking a lead on ethical investing, The Stock Exchange of Mauritius continues to punch well…
Buffalo Coal CEO Rowan Karstel is on a mission to slash the company’s debt and boost safety and operational efficiency.
When you become CEO of a firm in the late stages of a rapid, local-to-global growth phase, where do you go from there? Normet’s Robin…
Dubai Duty Free services one of the world’s busiest airports. COO Ramesh Cidambi shares how it stays at the cutting edge.
Backed by more than 110 years’ experience in producing high-quality mining and construction equipment, Komatsu Germany is geared for greatness.