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Ajay Singh interview image

Ajay Singh

As India’s economy continues to boom, air travel is becoming a more attractive mode of transport, Ajay Singh is leading Spice Jet through this growth…

Andrew Brown - interview image

Andrew Brown

Having served its community since the early 60s, Andrew Brown believes the market condition in NSW to be favourable for Bill Buckle.

Scott Grant interview image

Scott Grant

With a significant milestone for Hyundai Australia under his belt, COO Scott Grant is focusing on developing his team.

Stefan Rosina article image

Stefan Rosina

Stefan Rosina explains how major transformation to Matador Group’s operations has seen the company arrive at an enviable market position.

Klaus Rosenfeld article image

Klaus Rosenfeld

After a corporate and capital restructure, Schaeffler AG is looking to the future. CEO Klaus Rosenfeld shares how it’s driving innovation and growth.

Peter Voorhoeve - Volvo article image

Peter Voorhoeve

With a background in customer service, President & CEO of Volvo Group Australia Peter Voorhoeve is committed to customer satisfaction.

Eric de Seynes article image

Eric de Seynes

Yamaha Motor Corporation’s Eric de Seynes talks about the philosophy of kando— a Japanese word to describe something that inspires the heart and spirit.

Robert Deillon article image

Robert Deillon

CEO at Geneva Airport, Robert Deillon, is constantly working to keep up with the ever-increasing demand for international travel.

Knaus Tabbert article image

Wolfgang Speck

Wolfgang Speck shares how Knaus Tabbert is on the path to success as an established leader in the caravan, motorhome, and van conversion sectors.

David Hosking - Tusker article image

David Hosking

CEO David Hosking explains that in Tuskerville, the training academy for Tusker employees, everyone is out to be a superhero.

Dan Mekler - Red Spot Car Rentals article image

Dan Mekler

Dan Mekler shares how Redspot Car Rentals has gone from being a small side business to a national network of operations that will soon launch…