Bernard Chiew drank his first cup of coffee 35 years ago. His tastes have developed since then, and he’s keen to go on the same…
Executive Interviews Region: ASIA
Cirtek Electronics Corporation’s Executive Vice President Brian Liu shares his insights on what it takes to make a company survive.
Charles Kim, the head of SK Advanced, has an impressive pedigree in chemicals, but when it comes to leadership he relies more on faith than…
With an accomplished 20 years at Aramark’s China division, George Wang will go above and beyond to serve his team, his clients and their customers.
Henry Chu’s openness to new experiences and passion for food have shored up his credentials as CEO of BreadTalk Group.
Toray Group (Malaysia)’s Chief Representative Teh Hock Soon is taking lessons from the electronics industry to take the materials GROUP to the next level.
Though he began his professional life as a scientist, JCET Group CEO Lee Choon Heung quickly found that life as a business leader offered a…
New to the elevator and escalator industry, Henry Cheung brings KONE hong kong a fresh perspective on improving the lives of HONG KONG’S citizens.
Maurice Levine’s role as Master Franchisee isn’t a typical desk job; instead, he hits the gym and empowers his team across nine countries.
Schuler China CEO Oemer Akyazici reveals that staying ahead of the curve in forming technology is vital to the company’s growth and sustainability.
Ranjit Ebenezer, CEO of Assurant BPO Solutions, offers a unique approach to outsourcing – the company pursues deep, personalised client experiences, eschewing the quest for…
It’s an exciting time for the digital security industry. In the Greater China region, Deputy CEO of Thales in China, Suzanne Tong-Li, has the responsibility…