CEO of Total Tools Tim Cockayne explains how the company is leveraging its 25 years of experience to develop a nationally renowned brand.
Executive Interviews Region: ANZ
Spanning almost 50 kilometres across regional Victoria and metro Melbourne, the Regional Rail Link is one of the country’s largest public-transport infrastructure projects.
Andrew Hadley details P&N Bank’s five-year plan to provide a real alternative to the banking sectors Big Four heavyweights.
Brett Elliot reflects on Kookaburra Sport’s more than 120-year history, and how it continues to lead the way in producing world-class sporting equipment.
Brian Boyle leads the groundbreaking Square Kilometre Array project that skips a generation in the development of radio telescopes.
Christian Sylvestre talks about SafeStart’s strong presence in Australia and New Zealand and how it’s changing the face of workplace health and safety.
Senior Advisor Dan Osborne talks about Bombardier Transport’s an international network of 63 production sites and world-class transport solutions.
Group MD of Global Construction Services Enzo Gullotti talks about the company’s innovative approach to the changing market, and nation-wide operations.
Eric Green reveals that Hitachi Construction Machinery Australia is investing in its people, facilities, and technology behind its leading-edge equipment.
Geoff Brown reiterates the importance of skilled staff and leading-edge technology in the Royal Australian Air Force’s achievement of protecting Australia.
Geoff Lilliss reflects on Ampcontrol’s humble beginnings in the Hunter region. Now the company provides world-class electrical solutions across the globe.
ElectraNet is undergoing some regulatory and structural changes that will see long-standing CEO, Ian Stirling, leave his position at the end of the year.