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Executive of the Year Awards 2024: Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to enter The CEO Magazine’s Executive of the Year Awards, but need a little more information to get started? All the answers to your burning questions can be found here.

General Information

Why should I enter?

As well as recognition, exposure, an opportunity to network with the leading players in Australian business and a celebration thrown in your honor, winners across the business awards sectors receive an elegant trophy and the option for media coverage from The CEO Magazine and other outlets.

All finalists will be given an opportunity to have their story featured in The CEO Magazine and award winners will be invited to join the judging panel at the following year’s awards.

About the Application Process

What are the categories this year?

This year we have 10 categories:

  • CEO of the Year Banking, Financial Services & Insurance
  • CEO of the Year Healthcare
  • CEO of the Year Property Development & Real Estate
  • CEO of the Year Consumer & Lifestyle
  • CEO of the Year Information Technology & Telecommunications
  • CEO of the Year Not-for-Profit
  • CEO of the Year Manufacturing
  • CEO of the Year Professional Services
  • CEO of the Year Construction, Transport & Logistics
  • CEO of the Year Energy & Mining

What are the criteria for the categories?

You’ll find the full list of criteria and more detail here for all the categories.

When do applications officially open?

The applications for the 2024 Executive of the Year Awards are now open. You can apply here.

Does it cost anything to apply for an award?

No – it’s free to enter!

Where can I showcase my leadership achievements?

Please outline your leadership achievements for one or all of the following categories – Brand Sentiment; Philanthropy; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Positive Impact on Society; and Positive Stakeholder Engagement – as an answer to the questions posed.

Will the questions vary depending on the sector?

Each sector applicant will be asked the same questions within their sector for their application.

How can I enter the Overall CEO of the Year category?

Entrants will be eligible to win any ONE of the sector awards, and the Overall CEO of the Year category. The CEO with the overall highest cumulative score from across the sectors will be the Overall CEO of the Year. Therefore, you cannot apply for this award, winners from each sector will be submitted automatically to our panel of judges.

When should I complete the application by?

The application closing date is Wednesday, 31 July 2024.

Can I submit additional material?

While this is a written submission, please add whatever additional documentation – presentations, videos, financials – that you feel may best support your application.

I was a finalist in a previous year. Can I enter again?

Yes, applicants from previous years, including finalists and winners, may re-enter.

The application process asks for a photo of me. What sort of photo do I need to upload?

We’ll need a professional headshot to use in the event the applicant is chosen to be a finalist or winner.

Can I win more than one award?

Yes! If you apply for more than one sector, it is possible to win multiple sector awards.

How will I be contacted if I’m a finalist?

If you are a finalist, you will be notified via the email address and phone number provided on your application form.

When are the finalists announced?

Finalists will be announced on Friday, 6 September 2024.

When are the winners announced?

Winners are announced at the Executive of the Year Awards presentation ceremony on Thursday, 14 November, The Star, Pyrmont, Sydney.

The Awards Ceremony

Where are the Awards being hosted this year?

The Awards will return for its 13th year in 2024 as a black-tie event, hosted at The Star, Pyrmont, Thursday, 14 November.

Can I attend the awards night if I’m not a finalist?

Absolutely! Tickets will be made available later in 2024.

Where can I buy tickets?

Tickets will be available to purchase via our website.

Ready to Apply?

If you are looking to apply, click HERE.
To view this year’s sector award categories, click HERE.