Dubai International Airport’s iris scan avoids having to touch a passenger’s identifying documents or boarding pass.
Business Categories: Innovation & Technology
Dorsey shared a tweet with a link to a digital platform that allows for the buying and selling of tweets autographed by their creators. The…
The unique digital tokens, similar to ultra-rare trading cards, can’t be exchanged for one another.
Volvo said while its all-electric vehicles will be sold exclusively online, dealerships will “remain a crucial part of the customer experience”
A vehicle-to-load system allows for the charging of electrical devices directly from the car’s battery.
The price of bitcoin climbed to US$57,000 on Friday, giving it a total value of more than US$1 trillion, and it has continued rising at…
The announcement makes Ford Motor Group the largest carmaker to stop producing cars with internal combustion engines.
Jaguar will be an all-electric luxury brand from 2025 and there will be six all-electric Land Rovers in the next five years, with the first…
Recent subscription figures show a surge in memberships during 2020, but it remains to be seen if this trend will continue.
In another renewable energy development, Amazon have struck a deal with energy companies Shell and Enec, who are building a wind farm off the Netherlands’…
4AIR enables all private aviation stakeholders to participate in the transition for the future of sustainable aviation.
“From what we’ve seen, this is one of the fastest modern commercial electrification programs, and we’re incredibly proud of that.”